What is Exposure and Response Prevention?

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that is used to treat anxiety disorders, particularly Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Often, it involves gradually exposing an individual to feared situations or objects while encouraging them to not engage in the compulsive or avoidant behaviors they typically use to cope with their anxiety or distress.

The "exposure" component of ERP involves confronting the feared situations or objects in a deliberate and often gradual manner. Exposure may involve having an individual approach physical objects, situations, or mental images that trigger their anxiety or distress. The therapist and individual work together to create a hierarchy of feared situations, starting with the least distressing and gradually progressing to more difficult situations.

The "response prevention" component of ERP involves encouraging the individual to not engage in their typical compulsive or avoidant behaviors. This means that the individual chooses to not perform rituals or avoid situations that they typically use to cope with their anxiety or distress. Over time, repeated exposure to feared situations without engaging in compulsions leads to a decrease in anxiety in response to the triggers and/or new safety learning.

ERP has been found to be highly effective in treating OCD. Seeking professional help can greatly improve the management of symptoms for individuals with OCD.

If you would like to learn more about my practice and how I can support and assist you and your family with OCD-related concerns, please call (619) 314-8833 or email info@childpsychsandiego.com. 


News Appearances by Dr. Robbins


Parent Resource: Developmental Milestones